Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Texting and Driving

By Austin Crane

I am writing this blog on whether I agree that texting and driving should be illegal or not. The site that I got my information from is newsfactor.com. I think that texting and driving should not be illegal. As you can see the number of crashes has not reduced and more people are getting hurt because of this. People have to hide their phones from police and that’s causing even more of a distraction. If they left the law legal then the crash rate would stay lower and you wouldn’t have to always be on the lookout for police and you could focus more on the road.

 It is not the law enforcers that are causing the crash rate to sky rocket, it is us Americans. We have to at some point take responsibility for our actions and drive safe. Maybe making cars that will read our texts, and by voice control send texts.
“Last year alone 5,474 people were killed; more than 448,000 people were injured do to a distraction while driving a vehicle.” There must be something that we can do to lower this rate and I do not think it is through making driving and texting illegal.

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