This goes along with the CourseCast for the week of September 21st. In the CourseCast, it introduces the federal governments new concept of cloud computing. The Apps store that the government owns has a great video on the homepage that talks more about what cloud computing has to offer. What it doesn’t do is tell us what the other side (negative aspects) of it are. Please watch the short video on the homepage. In the comments – discuss one advantage of this type of service. Then you need to go do some research. They don’t tell us any of the disadvantages or problems that may arise with this concept, but there are some places that you can find that out. Research cloud computing and leave an additional comment about what some of the drawbacks are and why we should be concerned. (Hint – in the transcript there are some articles that you could use, or search for cloud computing. Wikipedia has some info)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Webbies – What would your life look like?

If education as we know it ceased to exist right now, what would your life look like? Think about it. What would today be? What would tomorrow be? Next year, 10 years? What would you be doing and how would you do it? So you thought about becoming a lawyer? How would you do that without college or high school?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I am a geek

I admit it.
It has taken a while to come to that conclusion.
Ok.. so maybe not.
But.. Here is what I discovered.
I can mess up my phone by trying to be too ‘techy’. I did that this summer and just decided rather than go through the hassle of trying to fix it, I bought a new one. I made a promise to myself that I would figure this one out even if it meant READING the directions. (Gasp.. READING? ug)
So.. here is what I have figured out. I finally have all my contacts back in my phone because I was bright enough over the summer to sync up my phone with my school’s outlook account and all my phone contacts imported into there. So NOW I have it working both directions. Phone to outlook, outlook to phone. Just wish I could get Hotmail contacts in there as well :S Anyone know how to do that?
My calendar, tasks, memos are also syncing properly – yeah! I can keep techno-organized.
I ALSO setup so that I can post directly to my blogs from my phone through emails AND can post my videos to YouTube from my phone. Before I was plugging my phone into the computer, moving the video files to my computer and then uploading them to YouTube. What a pain and time consuming. all of this, I was wondering what you figured out lately? Any new thing that technology had you baffled and now it doesn’t? Or any new timesaver or cool thing you found that you like? I love discovering how technology can help me in my life.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I have used a program called MS Onenote for quite a while now and love it. The only thing I wanted Microsoft to do for me was make it portable across the internet so I didn't have to always be AT my one computer to find the stuff I wanted. I have different stuff on my computer at home and my computer at work. I needed stuff back and forth all the time. day I decided to type into Bing "Onenote online" and here is what I happened...
I knew that I didn't want to go to Microsoft's page. I already know that OneNote isn't online. So I looked at the next result and came across a familiar title. This is a web blog that I read sometimes, so I went to it. I read a little about what he was wanting also and agreed.. yup. That is exactly what I was looking for too.
I saw there there were comments on the post, so I clicked on those to see what other people had to say on the subject
Then the last post described a product that I thought sounded just like what I was looking for. I clicked on the link and found Evernote.
I looked around their website and read about some of the features.
I decided to download and install it for a trial.
So.. I would like you to look around and see what you think of the product and how you think it would fit in your life.
Answer in the comments 2 questions.
1 – What feature do you like about this program?
2 – Give one example of how you would use this in your day to day life.