I have used a program called MS Onenote for quite a while now and love it. The only thing I wanted Microsoft to do for me was make it portable across the internet so I didn't have to always be AT my one computer to find the stuff I wanted. I have different stuff on my computer at home and my computer at work. I needed stuff back and forth all the time.
So...one day I decided to type into Bing "Onenote online" and here is what I happened...

I knew that I didn't want to go to Microsoft's page. I already know that OneNote isn't online. So I looked at the next result and came across a familiar title. This is a web blog that I read sometimes, so I went to it. I read a little about what he was wanting also and agreed.. yup. That is exactly what I was looking for too.

I saw there there were comments on the post, so I clicked on those to see what other people had to say on the subject

Then the last post described a product that I thought sounded just like what I was looking for. I clicked on the link and found Evernote.

I looked around their website and read about some of the features.
I decided to download and install it for a trial.

So.. I would like you to look around and see what you think of the product and how you think it would fit in your life.
Answer in the comments 2 questions.
1 – What feature do you like about this program?
2 – Give one example of how you would use this in your day to day life.